
CLOTHILDE: CLOTH Manipulation Learning from DEmonstrations

Summary #During my postdoctoral research at Rutgers University, I focused on using computational approaches to study various facets of host and pathogen biology including: #* delineating the molecular mechanism underlying a newly identified stress response operon in the tubercle bacterium involving the phage-shock-proteins (psp); #* unraveling the evolution of bacterial stress response systems (psp) across the tree of life using protein sequence-structure-function relationships; #* reconstructing and analyzing the mycobacterial sigma factor regulatory network.

HuMoUR: Markerless 3D human motion understanding for adaptive robot behavior

The goal of HuMoUR is to develop novel computer vision tools to estimate and understand human motion using a simple camera and use this information as a demonstration to teach a general purpose robotic assistant to perform new complex manipulation tasks. In Robotics, this learning paradigm is referred to as Learning from Demonstration: a non-expert teacher repetitively executes a task so the robot can learn the steps and variability of the actions. Typical setups take place in controlled laboratory facilities and consist of a manipulator arm teleoperated by the user through a haptic device. In order to bring this technology to the next stage of development and out of the laboratory, we believe it is paramount to contribute both on the sensing and action fronts of the problem. HuMoUR will advance both these fields.

MdM: Unit of Excellence María de Maeztu

The María de Maeztu scientific excellence seal has been awarded to IRI by the Spanish State Research Agency for the period 01/07/2017-30/06/2021. A 4-year Strategic Research Programme will be developed in HUMAN-CENTERED ROBOTICS

SOCRATES: Social Cognitive Robotics in The European Society

SOCRATES is a training program for 15 PhD students, created to develop the field of Social Robotics with an application focus on Robotics in Eldercare. The heart and soul of SOCRATES is our 15 PhD students! To support them and their training, a consortium comprising seven universities/research institutes, three industrial partners, two end-user oriented partners, and three business oriented organizations has been formed.

Robot interaction adaptation for healthcare assistance

Assitive robotics is one of the big players in the technological revolution we are living in. Expectations are extremely high but the reality is a bit more modest. We present here two realistic initiatives towards the introduction of assistive robots …

Deciding the different robot roles for patient cognitive training

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) represent a major challenge for health systems within the aging population. New and better instruments will be crucial to assess the disease severity and progression, as well as to improve …